With the introduction of smartphones and other smart innovations, except me, most people have ditched the idea of wearing watches. Not the best for a watch business. Of course, the watch business owners should use innovative ways for displaying their watch collections by using creative watch photography techniques. I believe, this is the only way to talk to their prospective clientele and get sales in return.
Hire a creative watch photographer
Hire a creative watch photographer for taking appealing and exquisite images of your watches. As a watch photographer, I have a relative amount of experience in creative watch photography. I have worked with a couple of clientele for capturing creative and alluring images of their watches. Fundamentally, I believe that creative watch photography is based on using the right props and lighting.
I wanted to create an interesting concept for capturing unique shots of the watches, something memorable. I went to the store to look for props and I choose broken ceramics for creating a retro background for my creative watch photography session. There is something about hand-made ceramics, that is so unique to me. I bought two vases and made sure they were hand-made and hand-glazed for restoring the unique aspect of it and make sure the watch will inherit it.
With focus on uniqueness in props
I always try to focus on creating photographs, that would evoke some feeling in a customer’s mind. Therefore, I work with my clients to understand how they would like to brand and present their watches to the prospective audience.
One of the main principles in creative watch photography is to make the most use of props and background elements. One should steer clear from stuffing the background with excessive props. That usually eliminate the marketability and presentation of the watches.
You should allow the background props to conceal the white-space, so it would help a watch to pop out to the eyes. Also by adding contrasty elements to your scene, you’re ultimately creating a contrast between the product and backgrounds and by that emphasizes the product. Study “Principles of Design: Emphasis” to explore more.

What is creative watch photography?
Creative watch photography is the art of photographing watches in unique and interesting ways. It involves using different lighting, angles and digital composition techniques to create stunning images that showcase the features and design of your watch.
What are the benefits of creative watch photography?
Creative watch photography can help brands present their products in a more attractive and appealing way. They can also help watch lovers appreciate the beauty and intricacies of the timepiece, increasing the chances of closing a sale.
What are some tips for taking creative watch photography?
Tips for creative clock photography include experimenting with lighting, using interesting angles, playing with different software, and adding unique props to the scene.